
Our Philosophy

The primary responsibility for educating children belongs to their parents. It is the home, not the school that is the primary learning center. Speaking to parents about the importance of God’s statutes, Moses said, “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” (Deuteronomy 6:7) The Christian home, church, and school should form an educational tripod. All three need to work closely together to prepare students to live in this world and the next. When any leg of the tripod is not bearing weight, students suffer. Parents, Christian school staff members, and the church should make every effort to cooperate in the education of their children, properly aligned with God’s Word and for His glory. Our vision is for Calvary Apostolic Academy to effectively fulfill the Christian school obligation by providing K-12 curriculum of unsurpassed quality, staff of the highest integrity, an atmosphere of Godly purity, and an environment of Biblical discipline and security. All this, while promoting “God-consciousness” in our children to extend into every facet of their lives.

The basic textbook of the Academy will be the Bible. Because education is life and the Bible is the book of Life, we are convinced that, along with academic skills, our children must be taught the principles of Godly living, both for now and for eternity. We believe when the pupil understands the basic principles of spiritual life it will motivate him or her to acquire greater academic skills. The student will not only learn from what is taught, but also from the manner of life demonstrated by the staff. The student must learn to trust God every day, understand the characteristics of Jesus Christ, and comprehend the principles of His Word, as found essentially in Acts 2:38. The ultimate goal of the Academy will be to develop today’s Christian students into tomorrow’s Christian leaders. We trust that each parent will adhere to our philosophy so the student’s home life will be consistent with that of the school.